Don Holbrook“From the Tower”
Denver, CO. - The newly formed Rocky Mountain Lighting Sprints Association (RMLSA) opened there inaugural season May 1 at I-76 Speedway in Ft. Morgan, CO with 18 cars signing in. With declining in car count in both clubs in recent years, the 600 Rocky Mountain Mini Sprint Association (RMMSA) and the 1200 Colorado Outlaws meet over the winter to discuss the future of Mini-Sprint racing in Colorado.
“Steve Becker (last years President of the former 1200 Outlaws) and I spoke last year about running a few races together for the 2011 season. After a few conversations we decided to meet in person and discuss how we could make it happen. The meeting resulted in a decision to present the options to both clubs at the annual fall meetings last year and the rest is history. Both clubs agreed that it would be in the best interest for mini sprint racing in Colorado to band together. I felt that this would allow us to put on a bigger and better show for both the fans and the promoters. Through several meetings we worked on the rules package that would best serve both clubs and elected new Officers and Tech Officials. The result is the new Rocky Mountain Lightning Sprint Association”, said Jay Sant winner of the inaugural RMLSA.
“Every account I have received from the fans and Butch was that we in fact put on a great show Sunday. Hopefully with continued effort from the Officers and members we will improve both the show and the car count. Our goal is to have a full show (22 cars) at as many races as possible. This merger couldn't have been accomplished without the hard work, support, and common goals of our Officers and members. They have all been supportive with this entire effort. I look forward to a great season and continued growth in the years to come.”
With both groups joining forces, the RMLSA will run non-wing and wing shows throughout the year.
Paul Babich, a 600 Mini-Sprint competitor had this to say, “Over the last couple years I always thought it would be great if the two clubs could run some "joint" shows. There always seemed to be some kind of disconnect between the two and really didn't think it would come to them joining. I always thought how great it would be with the number of cars that would be on the track and the amount of talent combined if we ran some shows together and that was obvious Sunday. I think a lot of the racers realized what kind of position it would put us all in and what fun it would be to form a stronger club. There was some give and take on rules and such but everybody worked together and came to terms. Through a lot of hard work by several members I think we are on the verge of a great thing for many years to come. I feel it is important that everybody that is a part of the club has a say in what direction we go and I hope they all feel the same. I also believe the product we bring to the fans will make them want to come watch more and even join the great sport of Mini Sprint Racing.”
“I thought the racing was great on Sunday and will only get better as we get more cars out and everybody gets used to running against each other. I am already feeling some of the camaraderie growing as people are willing to help each other.”